Environmental Enrichment for Indoor Cats
Dr. Kari Addante addresses what indoor cats need in their environment to help them stay happy and healthy:
The enviable life of the indoor cat: meals prepared, cozy beds to sleep in, and playtime at their leisure. It is a wonderful life indeed. At the same time however, it is very important to scrutinize the situation a little further. Is your home providing what is needed to encourage natural behaviors in cats - such as climbing, "hunting", jumping, and even hiding? Is something in your home a source of stress to your cat? Making a few simple changes in your home can make your cat more relaxed and calm, which will help avoid behavioral issues, such as aggression between cats and litter box problems. Moreover, providing a stimulating and safe environment can decrease the incidence of stress related health issues such as feline lower urinary tract disease, feline herpes virus and even obesity.